Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nationwide Webcast: Defunding Planned Parenthood

Get the latest breaking news -- and find out how
YOU can help strip Planned Parenthood of its
$360+ MILLION in annual taxpayer funding!

REGISTER NOW AT http://www.sba-list.org/webcast

•WHAT: Defunding Planned Parenthood webcast
•DATE: Tuesday, March 1
•TIME: 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific)
•REGISTER: At the bottom of this page!
This is a critical moment in the pro-life battle to defund America's largest abortion provider -- Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and her cronies are scared. The abortion business just sent out a fundraising e-mail stating: "The next 10 days will decide the future of Planned Parenthood."

And you know what? They are absolutely right!

These next few days are CRITICAL in the fight to defund Planned Parenthood of OUR tax dollars.

The bold stand made by the House of Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood in the Continuing Resolution bill was the first step towards ending the flow of our tax dollars to the abortion giant's coffers forever.

Now, with so much riding on the next steps in Congress over these coming days, the SBA List is launching a massive, unrelenting national grassroots campaign to defund Planned Parenthood -- for once and for all.

You are invited to join SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, and pro-life rock star Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on a LIVE nationwide webcast this coming Tuesday, March 1 at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific).

On the webcast, you'll hear the latest breaking news from our nation’s capital on the efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of its $360+ million in taxpayer funding ... and you'll learn how YOU can help achieve victory in this vital effort!

Planned Parenthood knows that a showdown is coming. They're putting pressure on their allies -- and lashing out at pro-life Representatives in the House for voting to defund them. Planned Parenthood is even calling in all their favors from their Hollywood supporters and the radically pro-abortion MoveOn.org.

That is why we must launch a national grassroots campaign NOW -- to ensure the final Continuing Resolution defunds Planned Parenthood of every single federal tax dollar it receives.

Register below for the nationwide webcast on Tuesday, March 1 at 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific).

The stakes couldn't be higher! Every single minute of the day Planned Parenthood is destroying innocent human lives and wounding others.

Planned Parenthood is not a friend to women and girls, but rather an unapologetic ally of the human trafficking industry. And they are doing it with our tax dollars!

It's absolutely FREE to attend Tuesday night’s webcast; however, there are limited spaces available for the live event, so make sure to register NOW by entering your name and primary e-mail address below.

REGISTER NOW AT http://www.sba-list.org/webcast

P.S.- Can't attend the webcast due to other commitments? Go ahead and register anyway. The entire event will be recorded and you’ll be notified as soon as your recording is available.

P.P.S.- Please spread the word to friends, family members, co-workers and fellow believers so they can also participate in this important event. Encourage them to also visit this page:


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