Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Multiply your pro-life impact! - Register to join the FREE teleconference tonight, Tuesday, August 9 at 9 pm EST

Multiply your pro-life impact!
Register below to join the FREE teleconference
and web simulcast event on Tuesday, August 9

To learn how to make the greatest possible difference in the city or town where you live, you are invited to attend an important one-time-only teleconference and web simulcast on Tuesday night, August 9.

The event will launch the next phase of an historic partnership between 40 Days for Life and Heartbeat International -- one of the largest pro-life networks of pregnancy centers in the world, currently supporting, starting and strengthening more than 1,100 pregnancy help ministries (including 200+ international affiliates) to provide alternatives to abortion.

Here are the details ...

WHAT: Multiply Your Lifesaving Impact teleconference and web simulcast
DATE: Tuesday, August 9
TIME: 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific)
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via phone or webcast -- it's your choice)

It's absolutely free to attend, however, there are limited spaces available for the live event … so make sure to register NOW by entering your information on the following page: http://www.40daysforlife.com/multiply.cfm

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