Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Friend, you need to ACT NOW to stop stealth-FOCA!

Hi everyone,

Here is another very important message from Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life with urgent information about FOCA. Please read this and take immediate action.


This is without question among the most urgent messages I’ve ever sent you.

Unless you want to pay for abortionists to kill the youngest members of our human family, you must take these two actions immediately:

1. Contact your lawmakers in Washington!

In case you don’t know, under the guise of "health care reform" Congress is about to pass a stealth version of the Freedom of Choice Act! And to make matters worse, they will force YOU to pay for the killings that will follow!

Make no mistake. The "health care reform" bills being finalized in Congress will set off a chain reaction that will result in a massive expansion of abortion!

That’s because unless Congress explicitly states that abortion is excluded, it will be regarded as "an essential benefit" for Americans. Once that’s done, insurance companies would be forced to cover elective abortions which would in turn force local health networks to recruit and hire abortionists.

And to make matters even worse, because these would be federal mandates …
… state laws that now restrict abortion will probably be overturned!

As I said, this is FOCA in disguise!

Which is why it is so critically important that you:

Contact your lawmakers in Washington … RIGHT NOW!

Your action is needed because Barack Obama and the Abortion Congress want to ram this through Congress BEFORE the people of life can rise up to stop it.

And they will succeed unless YOU take action. Don’t leave this up to "someone else." Call your two U.S. Senators and your House Representative and urge them to explicitly exclude abortion funding from health care reform legislation.

I know we can win this fight. We proved that earlier this year when we helped mobilize the people of life to oppose the Freedom of Choice Act.

We won that battle … and we can win this one, too.

But only if we ACT NOW and make our voices heard in Washington. Time is of the essence!
Obama is putting enormous pressure on Congress to pass his "health care reform" as quickly as possible. He originally wanted it passed before lawmakers left on their August recess. Only fast action by Priests for Life and other pro-life activists kept that from happening.

Stung by that setback, the pro-abortion leaders of Congress are now out there selling the "health care reform" package to voters. But one thing they aren’t telling anybody is how this measure will all but mandate abortion-on-demand … and force you and every other taxpayer to pay for it!

So we’ve got to sound the alarm far and wide and convince our fellow Americans to DEMAND that Congress keep any "health care reform" bill abortion-neutral!

Priests for Life is sparing no expense to do just that. We are using every means of communication at our disposal to rally pro-life America to action: TV, radio, Internet, parish visits, resources for clergy, newspaper articles, tele-conferences, letter writing campaigns, postcards … you name it.

To be successful it is critically important that you TAKE THESE THREE ACTION NOW:

1. Contact your two U.S. Senators and Representative. You can either click here: to send them an email, or call them, or both. You’ll need to make three calls: One to your Representative in the House (switchboard 202-225-3121) and one to each of your two U.S. Senators (switchboard 202-224-3121). Ask the operator to connect you to the appropriate lawmaker’s office.

2. Click here to join our prayer campaign. Let’s join prayer power to our lobbying voices, and let us know on this page that you have contacted your lawmakers and that you will say the daily prayer we’ve prepared. In this way, when I visit our lawmakers in Washington, I will know how many of our Priests for Life family members have already contacted Congress.

Again, though, the key is for you TAKE ACTION NOW … before you move on to your next email. Believe me, there is nothing that is more important for you to do right now than this.
And if I may ask you one more favor. Each year I survey our supporters to learn how we can serve their needs more effectively. Would you take a moment and fill out the short survey I’ve placed at It is very important to me to know what you’re thinking about our ministry!

Thank you and God bless.
Fr. Frank Pavone

National Director, Priests for Life and Gospel of Life Ministries

PS. In case you think I’m exaggerating the situation, pro-life Congressman Chris Smith calls Obama’s so-called "health care" plan the "greatest threat to the unborn since Roe v. Wade." He is so concerned, in fact, that he sent a letter to his fellow Congressmen in which he cited quotes from pro-abortion groups that state their goal of using health care reform as a tool to expand access to abortion. He also quoted Barack Obama from a Q&A session at a Planned Parenthood Action Fund Event in July 2007: "In my mind reproductive care is essential care, basic care so it is at the center, the heart of the [health care] plan that I propose." Now that you know the truth … TAKE ACTION!

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