Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tell the Senate to Cut Federal Funding to Planned Parenthood

From Americans United for Life (AUL):

Dear Friend of Life,

Join us in our efforts to de-fund Planned Parenthood: Call your Senator’s state office today while the Senate is in recess.

Your call is vital to inform your Senator that you refuse to be forced to support the largest abortion provider in the country—Planned Parenthood—with your tax dollars. Your Senator can make a difference and help to stop funding the nation’s largest abortion provider.

With your help, we will let the Senate hear the voters’ voices, loud and clear, telling them to oppose funding the nation’s largest abortion provider with our hard earned tax dollars. Your voice can make a difference. Over 70 percent of Americans oppose using tax dollars to fund abortions.

Make your voice heard.

Call and urge your Senator to vote to stop the

millions of dollars the Federal Government currently gives to Planned Parenthood each year.

Talking Points:

■ More than 70 percent of Americans—both pro-life and pro-abortion—agree that our tax dollars should not be used to subsidize the abortion industry, particularly the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.

■ As Congress continues to negotiate the Fiscal Year 2011 budget and to make further cuts to government spending, a priority must be to zero out permanently taxpayer funding of the nation’s largest abortion provider: Planned Parenthood and its affiliates.

■ Particularly in this time of economic uncertainty, the Government ought to spend its time and our money funding things that matter to the American people. We should not be compelled to watch our tax dollars spent on abortion and funding corrupt organizations like Planned Parenthood, which consistently demonstrates a blatant disregard for women’s health and the law.

■ I urge you to stand with the majority of Americans and ensure that we are no longer forced to fund the nation’s largest abortion provider with our tax dollars.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Urge your Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars in the Continuing Resolution.

If you can, please call your Representative’s district office and urge them to to defund Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars in the Continuing Resolution. Just click on this link and type in your Zip Code and it will take you right to the phone number of district office nearest to you with some "talking points" provided.

Also you might want to watch the video on that page of Lila Rose. It only lasts 1 min and 51 seconds.

Members of the Expose Planned Parenthood Coalition are asking their activists to call on a specific day this week. The goal is to ensure that phones in district offices are ringing off the hook all of this week while Representatives are back in their districts. Susan B. Anthony List activists will kick off the effort by calling Representative’s district offices TODAY, MARCH 21st.

But any other day this week would be good too if you can't call today.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Call your Rep's district office. Urge them to defund Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars in the Continuing Resolution.

This is from Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List. She said:

'Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters that defunding Planned Parenthood in the Continuing Resolution “won’t be part of an agreement.”

Meanwhile, our pro-life leaders in the House are digging in their heels, insisting that Planned Parenthood be defunded in the next Continuing Resolution bill. Rep. Mike Pence put it best when he said “it’s time to pick a fight.”

With the current temporary Continuing Resolution set to expire on April 8th, the next three weeks are the most critical ever in this fight. Congress is anxious to pass a long-term Continuing Resolution bill to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year instead of passing more short-term Continuing Resolutions.

That means we have just three weeks to show Congress we will accept nothing less than the complete defunding of Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars. We must ensure that our pro-life majority in the House stays strong and forces Harry Reid and his pro-abortion allies in the Senate to cut funding for Planned Parenthood. We have to make sure our pro-life allies in the House don’t blink when we need them most.

While we have momentum, the Expose Planned Parenthood coalition is working together to turn up the heat even more — especially this week, March 20st through March 27th, as the House is on recess, which means Representatives are headed back home to their respective Congressional districts.

Members of the Expose Planned Parenthood Coalition are asking their activists to call on a specific day this week. The goal is to ensure that phones in district offices are ringing off the hook all of this week while Representatives are back in their districts. Susan B. Anthony List activists will kick off the effort by calling Representative’s district offices TODAY, MARCH 21st.'

If you can, please call your Representative’s district office and urge them to to defund Planned Parenthood of our tax dollars in the Continuing Resolution.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Planned Parenthood Racism Project: Abortions earmarked by race. An investigation of Planned Parenthood’s money

"The Advocate investigated the financial dealings of Planned Parenthood and made some shocking discoveries about the clinic-owning "nonprofit." We obtained the information by having an actor call clinics across the country and pose as a donor. The actor who called, The Advocate’s advisor, communicated to them a very racist agenda—the one that Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s founder, had envisioned. He then asked to donate money specifically for the abortions of African-American babies in order to "lower the number of blacks in America."

Despite his bigoted requests, no Planned Parenthood employee (or director of development, in one case) declined the tainted money."

Read more and see the videos with audio recordings of planned parenthood reps agreeing to take money specifically requested to be used for aborting black babies.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Silent No More Awareness Campaign

This is from Thursday, February 24, 2011, but it is still important. Please take a look at this page and call your United States Senators and ask them to vote to de-fund Planned Parenthood as the House did a few weeks ago. Perhaps mention the quotes provided on the following page to help highlight the kinds of terrible things going on, which show that not only are the innocent unborn being killed in the womb, but women themselves are being harmed.

At, members of the Campaign are sharing their painful experiences, providing more firsthand evidence that Planned Parenthood does not serve the needs of women and has no respect for the law.

For instance, Sherry Coleman Wright states,

“I was 17 years old - the lady at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Council Bluffs, Iowa told me I could go to Women's Services clinic in Omaha, Nebraska, to get the procedure. My boyfriend at the time was 23 or 24 and I was told not to mention that or he would get into trouble. I don't feel like they really had my best interest in mind. From what I understand, they still give young girls the same advice. I was devastated by that abortion and my life spiraled downward.”

Christy Annison tells us,

“I had a botched abortion in Atlanta's Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. The doctor left the dead fetus inside and I needed immediate medical attention. For the health of women, please defund Planned Parenthood.”

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nationwide Webcast: Defunding Planned Parenthood

Get the latest breaking news -- and find out how
YOU can help strip Planned Parenthood of its
$360+ MILLION in annual taxpayer funding!


•WHAT: Defunding Planned Parenthood webcast
•DATE: Tuesday, March 1
•TIME: 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific)
•REGISTER: At the bottom of this page!
This is a critical moment in the pro-life battle to defund America's largest abortion provider -- Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards and her cronies are scared. The abortion business just sent out a fundraising e-mail stating: "The next 10 days will decide the future of Planned Parenthood."

And you know what? They are absolutely right!

These next few days are CRITICAL in the fight to defund Planned Parenthood of OUR tax dollars.

The bold stand made by the House of Representatives to defund Planned Parenthood in the Continuing Resolution bill was the first step towards ending the flow of our tax dollars to the abortion giant's coffers forever.

Now, with so much riding on the next steps in Congress over these coming days, the SBA List is launching a massive, unrelenting national grassroots campaign to defund Planned Parenthood -- for once and for all.

You are invited to join SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser, former Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, and pro-life rock star Congresswoman Michele Bachmann on a LIVE nationwide webcast this coming Tuesday, March 1 at 9 PM Eastern (6 PM Pacific).

On the webcast, you'll hear the latest breaking news from our nation’s capital on the efforts to strip Planned Parenthood of its $360+ million in taxpayer funding ... and you'll learn how YOU can help achieve victory in this vital effort!

Planned Parenthood knows that a showdown is coming. They're putting pressure on their allies -- and lashing out at pro-life Representatives in the House for voting to defund them. Planned Parenthood is even calling in all their favors from their Hollywood supporters and the radically pro-abortion

That is why we must launch a national grassroots campaign NOW -- to ensure the final Continuing Resolution defunds Planned Parenthood of every single federal tax dollar it receives.

Register below for the nationwide webcast on Tuesday, March 1 at 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific).

The stakes couldn't be higher! Every single minute of the day Planned Parenthood is destroying innocent human lives and wounding others.

Planned Parenthood is not a friend to women and girls, but rather an unapologetic ally of the human trafficking industry. And they are doing it with our tax dollars!

It's absolutely FREE to attend Tuesday night’s webcast; however, there are limited spaces available for the live event, so make sure to register NOW by entering your name and primary e-mail address below.


P.S.- Can't attend the webcast due to other commitments? Go ahead and register anyway. The entire event will be recorded and you’ll be notified as soon as your recording is available.

P.P.S.- Please spread the word to friends, family members, co-workers and fellow believers so they can also participate in this important event. Encourage them to also visit this page: