Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fetal Pain Law Hailed as Successful, Making Abortion Practitioner Leave State

This legislation is good news, and a step in the right direction. But it's still not enough. It won't be over til all abortions are outlawed even at conception when life begins, whether the baby can feel pain or not.

Quote from the article:

“At twenty weeks into pregnancy, unborn children have pain receptors throughout their bodies connected by nerves to the brain’s thalamus, they recoil from painful stimuli, their stress hormones shoot up, and they are routinely anesthetized when undergoing fetal surgery,” Balch explained.

Read the rest of the article here:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Democratic Congressman threatens jail time for Pro-Life organization's President exercising free speech.

Rep. Steve Driehaus, the Congressman from Cincinnati, Ohio, is threatening SBA-List with a criminal statute in an attempt to silence them for basically getting the truth out about his vote for taxpayer funding of abortion in Obamacare. In addition to the thousands SBA-List has already had to pay in legal fees, this would mean jail time for Marjorie Dannenfelser, President of Susan B. Anthony List. SBA-List has rightly said that votes have consequences and that Congressmen will be held accountable for their votes in November. Apparently Rep. Steve Driehaus doesn't think that his constituents have the right to know what he stands for and votes for, and is willing to squash his opposition by putting them in jail. Is this still America or not?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Meet the supporters of taxper-funded abortion

From the Americans United for Life "Voting For Life" website:

'Americans United for Life Action is holding pro-abortion politicians accountable. We're running a grassroots, online, and radio campaign in twelve key Congressional Districts that could determine whether or not we have a pro-life House of Representatives in the next Congress. Register to vote now on this site and send a message to Washington that we haven't forgotten about taxpayer-funded abortion in healthcare. Tell Washington that in this election, "Life Counts!"'

Also, check your elected officials' voting record, please enter your ZIP Code (either 5 digits or the entire 9 digit ZIP+4 code if you know it. If you live in a split district, you might have to enter your full address):

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Eleventh Hour Election Alert Part Three

Fr. Corapi made this three part video presentation for thr 2008 Presidential election. The powerful message about abortion and pro-abortion candidates it still important, especially with the upcomming congressional elections in November.

Eleventh Hour Election Alert Part Two

Fr. Corapi made this three part video presentation for thr 2008 Presidential election. The powerful message about abortion and pro-abortion candidates it still important, especially with the upcomming congressional elections in November.

Eleventh Hour Election Alert Part One

Fr. Corapi made this three part video presentation for thr 2008 Presidential election. The powerful message about abortion and pro-abortion candidates it still important, especially with the upcomming congressional elections in November.

Friday, September 24, 2010

China Marks 30 Years of One-Child, Forced Abortion Policy; Obama Petitioned

"For someone who says he cares about 'women's rights,' as President Obama so often claims when promoting abortion-on-demand, Mr. Obama seems disturbingly unperturbed by" the one child policy, Franks added.

Read the full article here: China Marks 30 Years of One-Child, Forced Abortion Policy; Obama Petitioned

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Important information from the Elliot Institute: Please share freely.

To challege/change leaders - political, religious, school, etc. - please take our research-based materials, with new well-cited facts and stories in user-friendly format to them. Please share freely, from the Elliot Institute.;

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

COUNTDOWN TO 40 DAYS FOR LIFE - teleconference and webcast event

Just a quick reminder about tonight's BIG event -- I
hope to talk with you then!

If you haven't yet registered to attend, there are
still a few more hours. Here are the details:

teleconference and webcast event

DATE: TONIGHT! Wednesday, September 15

TIME: 9 PM Eastern (8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain,
6 PM Pacific)

FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via phone or webcast --
it's your choice)


During the event, you will discover:

* How 40 Days for Life began and what makes a local
campaign so impactful

* The amazing results God has accomplished through
40 Days for Life thus far -- including incredible
new reports

* The unprecedented size and scope of this fall's
campaign -- including what's happening near YOU!

* Why top pro-life leaders believe 40 Days for Life
could mark the beginning of the end of abortion

* What YOU can do to make a life-saving difference
in your hometown

In addition to members of the national 40 Days for
Life team and numerous local campaign leaders --
from several different countries -- you'll be hearing
from several top pro-life leaders:

* FR. FRANK PAVONE, Priests for Life

* JANET MORANA, Silent No More Awareness Campaign

* REV. JOHN ENSOR, Heartbeat International

It's absolutely FREE to attend this one-time-only
event. Register online now at:

Hope to talk with you shortly!

For life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: A number of people e-mailed to say they can't
attend tonight's COUNTDOWN teleconference and
webcast because of schedule conflicts. If you're in
that same situation -- no problem! We're recording
everything ... so have the recording sent to you by
registering now at:

WOMEN MUST SEE! Abortion horror stories! Doctor cover ups!

More proof of how the so-called "pro-choice" movement exploits women and endangers their health.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BloodMoney - Documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry

About the film:

BloodMoney is a documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro Life perspective.

This film will examine the history of abortion in America, from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics, to Roe v. Wade, to the denial of when life begins, to the fight to save the lives of innocent babies, and the devastating effects it has had on the women that have had them.

See the trailer here:

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pray to End Abortion - Webcast Tonight!

A National Webcast will be held this evening from 9 to 10pm ET that will outline & provide training & motivation for participation in the "Freedom Riders for the Unborn" as well as a series of national & local pro-life activities in September and October. These include nine weeks of prayer leading up to Election Day, a National Voter Registration Sunday, and the nation's second Pro-Life Freedom Ride. (Sign up at

Saturday, August 28, 2010

When does life begin?

Ward Kischer, PHD., Human Embryologist, Emeritus Professor of cell biology and anatomy at the University of AZ College of Medicine. Specialty in Human Embryology, said:

"Every embryologist in the world knows that the life of the new individual human being beigns at fertilization. It is not a belief; it is a sceintific fact."

"We exist in a continuum of life. Now, at any given moment in that continuum, there exists a whole integrated human life."

See this compelling video addressing the question of when life begins. Though many would like to think that there is no answer, and that it's merely a religious belief that life begins at conception, science itself also makes a firm statement affirming that life begins at conception.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Former Abortion Clinic Owner Carol Everett

"Then there was the girl who the doctors decided had a fibroid tumor at the back of her uterus. That's a highly common tumor that's very rarely malignant. The two doctors decided they were just going to pull it out after her abortion. They didn't know they were pulling on the back of her uterus, and they pulled the uterus out wrong-side-out of a 21-year-old; she had a hysterectomy."

Read the whole article here:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Myth of Overpopulation and the Folks Who Brought it to You, by Austin Ruse

The Myth of Overpopulation and the Folks Who Brought it to You
by Austin Ruse

"The claim that the world will become dangerously overpopulated has never been true. It was false when first postulated in the 19th century. It was false when The Population Bomb was first published in the 1960s. It is false now. That this theory is still taught in grade schools all over the world even today does not make it any truer. It remains a false theory.

The theory that the world is so awash in people that it will eventually die is false and it always has been. We will not run out of food, natural resources, or room. The theory is completely and dangerously false. The world now produces more food on less land than ever before. The world is awash in food. The problem is getting it to the hungry. Starvation occurs in the world today not from lack of food but generally as a result of bad policies or the use of starvation as a tool of war. Also, the cost of natural resources is now lower than forty years ago. Price is always a marker for availability: lower prices mean greater availability. Why are natural resources more plentiful? Simply because of our ingenuity. Mankind is better at getting natural resources out of the ground, whatever they are, and we are more efficient in their use."

Whole article can be read here:

Monday, August 16, 2010

Project Truth : A Youth Defence Project

This pro-life advert was previously banned by the Irish government who said it was too 'political' for the airwaves. Now Project Truth, first produced by Youth Defence in 1996, has been set to some amazing footage of the unborn child in the womb. It's challenging, thought-provoking, beautiful and sad. Show it to your friends. Spread the message.

Monday, August 2, 2010

We want to see the world - A song between unborn children and their guardian angels.

This is a beautiful song and video. Please see it when you get a chance and share it with others.

A song between unborn children and their guardian angels. To download the song, sheet music and words for free goto For more information visit Lyrics to "We Want to See the World" (A) - Angel (UC) - Unborn Children (Verse 1) (A) Chil...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pro-Life Freedom Rides Launch in Alabama, By James Tillman

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama, July 23, 2010 ( -- In an echo of the Freedom Rides of the civil rights movement, the nation's first pro-life Freedom Ride begins today with a rally and concert in Birmingham, Alabama, and will conclude in Atlanta on Saturday afternoon with a prayer service held at the tomb of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The pro-life movement is the civil rights movement," declared Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., full-time member of the Pastoral Team of Priests for Life, and leader of the Freedom Rides which will occur over the coming months.

Read the rest of this article at

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pro-Life Freedom Rides Begin in Birmingham, July 23

Bulletin from the cause: Pray to End Abortion

Posted By: Alveda King
To: Members in Pray to End Abortion

10 Steps to End Abortion

Action Needed: Pro-aborts are trying to stop the Freedom Riders from coming to Dr. King's tomb! See details & express your support at Click "Sign Up".

Please review the schedule of events at:

To become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn in your own community, you can take part in the activities at

Pro-Life Freedom Rides Begin in Birmingham, July 23

Bulletin from the cause: Pray to End Abortion

Posted By: Alveda King
To: Members in Pray to End Abortion

10 Steps to End Abortion

Action Needed: Pro-aborts are trying to stop the Freedom Riders from coming to Dr. King's tomb! See details & express your support at . Click "Sign Up".

Please review the schedule of events at:

To become a Freedom Rider for the Unborn in your own community, you can take part in the activities at

Monday, July 19, 2010

"Sneak preview" video - 40 Days for Life campaign

The excitement is building rapidly, and -- as a
reminder -- applications for the fall 40 Days for
Life will be accepted from this Wednesday, July 21,
until Saturday, July 31.

Shawn Carney -- who will serve as point person for
this fall's campaign -- and I just shot a quick
"sneak preview" video to help you get an idea of:

* What 40 Days for Life is all about
* The amazing history of life-saving results
* The critical timing for this fall's campaign
* Specifics of the September 22 - October 31 effort
* How YOU can make a crucial difference in your town

The video is only 6 minutes long, and I think you'll
be fired up for the fall after watching it!

Watch the video online by going to:

For Life,

David Bereit
National Director
40 Days for Life

P.S.- Since Shawn Carney is going to be directing
this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign, watch for
e-mails from him over the coming days. Please add
"" to your e-mail address book
so you don't miss any important updates.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Ending Abortion Webcast Event - Listen to the audio recordings of this event for free!

Hi all,

These presentations from over 30 Pro-Life leaders contain a lot of good information for people in the Pro-Life movement. As it says on the website:

Listen to the audio recordings of the entire ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME virtual conference that featured 30+ leading pro-life experts grouped into 10 "power panels" addressing the biggest challenges facing the pro-life movement -- and the solutions that can help bring an end to abortion in your community.

Listen to one session or listen to them all -- it's absolutely FREE!

Scroll down this page, select the session you wish to listen to, and click the orange button below the topic that reads "LISTEN TO THIS SESSION." The player will open in a new browser window. On that page, click the "play" button to listen to the recording by streaming web audio, or you can download the MP3 file and listen on your computer or iPod, or burn the audio to a CD.

To listen to the audio presentations follow this link:

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Rockford Abortion Mill Attempt To Silence Pro-Lifers Backfires...! Abortion mill landlord responds to local D.J.'s pro-life message with a chainsaw!

Rockford IL, July 9, 2010 - The Rockford abortion mill, that has for weeks been blaring a radio in an attempt to silence pro-lifers who offer help to mothers in need as they cross the parking-lot of the Northern Illinois Women's Center, received a very big surprise Friday morning.

A little after 7:00am WNTA, the radio station the clinic plays over its amplified public address sound system , that can be heard blocks away, opened up its phone lines to callers. The first caller they took, live on the air, was a pro-lifer who was standing at the driveway of the Rockford abortion mill that is nationally known for its signs mocking God and celebrating the number of children they have killed. ................

Read the rest of this article for the amazing ending!:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The so-called DISCLOSE ACT, an attack on free speech and the right to know what our Congressmen stand for. .

I recieved this email about a new bill Congress is trying to pass which is an attack on the rights of Americans to speak freely about those in office and the right to even know what they stand for. It is an outrage and even if they don't succeed, it's disturbing that they're even trying to do this. America is looking more like a communist country as time goes on.

I include comments of my own in brackets
The email says:

The right to speak one’s mind is so fundamental that the FIRST Amendment of the Bill of Rights includes this promise: “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.”

But today’s pro-abortion Democratic Congressional leaders read the 1st Amendment very differently. They would have the 1st Amendment read: Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech, unless it’s speech about incumbent Congressmen like us. Then we will restrict it.

Take the new “DISCLOSE Act.” The U.S. Supreme Court recently struck down a law that severely restricted groups like National Right to Life from even mentioning the name of a Congressman or bringing his voting record to the public’s attention during the period leading up to his re-election campaign.

[Apparently certain Congressmen don't think we have the right to know what they stand for. We most certainly DO have the right to know and let others know what they stand for. They work for us.]

Congressmen don’t like groups like National Right to Life talking about their records. It’s inconvenient. But the Supreme Court said, in effect, “too bad. Citizens (and citizen groups) have that right.” They struck down the law as unconstitutional.

Undaunted by the Supreme Court’s recognition of our free speech rights, now Congress is trying to limit our speech with another approach: punish groups who speak out about them by forcing the groups to provide confidential donor lists and other sensitive information to the government. They call this set of punishments the “DISCLOSE Act.”

[I think we have to ask why the government wants information on confidential donor lists and other sensitive information...]

But not all organizations would be punished. Certain allies of the pro-abortion leaders in Congress, like the mainstream media, are exempt. They can continue to
comment about members of Congress without fear of punishment. And the bill is skewed to give advantages to other allies, such as unions.

But if you’re any one of a number of other Americans, including a member of the National Right to Life Committee which speaks for the unborn, forget it. The 1st Amendment no longer applies.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Prayer for a certain yong woman

Hi all,

I don't generally post prayer requests here, but a friend of mine sent me this last night in email and I wanted to post it here for anyone who would pray for this young woman.

A woman is asking everyone to pray for this 18 year old girl who has decided to go through with an abortion. Everyone it seems abandoned her and it seems she believes this is her only choice.

*** URGENT PRAYER REQUEST *** FROM Carla Stream --- Please continue to pray for this young girl. Her father has said she can't live with him if she doesn't have the abortion. The mother said it is her decision. She has not had an ultrasound, she has not sought any other rescources or support. Only Planned Parenthood....... This 18 year old has decided to have the abortion but has to wait 48 hours. PLEASE PRAY!

Here is a short prayer for the end of abortion:

Heavenly Father, in Your
love for us, protect against the
wickedness of the devil, those
helpless little ones to whom You
have given the gift of life.

Touch with pity the hearts of
those women with child in our
world today who are
not thinking of motherhood.

Help them to see that the child
they carry is made in Your
image - as well as theirs -
made for eternal life.

Dispel their fear and selfishness
and give them true womanly
hearts to love their babies and
give them birth and all the
needed care that a mother alone
can give.

We ask this through Jesus Christ,
Your Son, Our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit, one God,
forever and ever. Amen

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Women Who Have Abortions Four Times More Likely to Abuse Drugs, Alcohol

Winnipeg, Canada ( -- A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Manitoba finds women who have had abortions are about four times more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol as those who carried their pregnancy to term. The authors confirmed a link between abortion and the substance abuse issues.

Read the full article here:

Friday, April 30, 2010

Daily Kos Article Says Number of Abortions is 'Too Low,' Doesn't Want Them Rare

April 28 was apparently Abortion Uber Alles day at the liberal Web site Daily Kos. Aimee Thorne-Thomsen of the Pro-Choice Public Education Project stated that the number of women who receive abortions is “too low” in “Keep Abortions Safe and Legal? Yes. Make it Rare? Not the Point.”

To make a few of my own comments about this article, I think it's really disgusting to hear people like Thorne-Thomsen call abortion a matter of "reproductive justice". There is nothing just about killing the innocent.

Thorne-Thomsen talks about "caring for women" when promoting abortion as a right, and yet I wonder if she has talked about the harmful consequences of abortion for the women who get them.

Even secular studies have shown that women who have abortions are more likely to have thoughts of suicide, experience depression, infections, sterility, and even death. Why don't the pro-abortion politicians and Planned-Parenthood and the like talk about these things if they care so much about women?

It's time to realize that women are EXPLOITED by the abortion agenda.

Maybe Thorne-Thomsen and some others "think" they care about women, but if they really care about women, they would ENCOURAGE them to have their babies and not kill them.

The truth is, that it is the PRO-LIFE people who really care about women, as much as the babies in their wombs. It is the Pro-lifers who are there to help pick up the broken pieces of women's lives who have had abortions and suffer the mental, emotional, spiritual trauma that inevitably follows.

Who really cares about someone and encourages them to do something that will most likely cause them to experience long term depression, thoughts of suicide, infection and possibly death? Is that love? Is that caring?

If they aren't aware of these things, why aren't they?

Thorne-Thomsen also said, “Do we dare admit that increasing the number of abortions might be not only good for women’s health, but also moral and just?”

How can anyone think that taking an action that even secular studies have shown to increase rates of suicide, depression, infections, sterility, and even death, is good for women's health? And then to top off witht the absurd notion that increasing the number of abortions is "moral and just". But as I said already, there is nothing just about killing the innocent.

For the whole article go to:

You can also follow Life News at:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Baby Boy Survived Abortion, Lived Two Days After Doctors Left Him to Die

A couple of comments on this article. 1) It says that: "A 22-week old disabled boy survived an abortion attempt in southern Italy, but doctors left him to die afterwards and he survived for two days before passing away. The boy's mother was pregnant for the first time but decided to have an abortion after prenatal scans suggested the unborn child was disabled."

As a person with a disability I say, watch out my fellow handicapped brothers and sisters! It's a dangerous thing when disabilities are seen as legitimate reasons for abortions. What does it say about our value as people in the eyes of society? It says we're not worth having around. It's the same kind of eugenics mentality that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood had, who Hitler and his ilk respected.

Disabled or not, there is no legitimate reason for abortion. Every baby has a right to live, even ones conceived in rape. After all, why should a baby have to die for the crime of the man who committed th rape? And many women say the same thing.

Another part of this article states: "Italy's abortion law allows abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy in certain cases but it also requires doctors to do all they can to save the life of a baby who survives a botched abortion attempt."

Apparently they think it's ok to kill the baby as long as it's still in the womb, but one outside, suddenly the baby has a right to life. Don't they see they are admitting that the baby is a person even inside the womb? How tragic that people like that are the ones making the laws.

To read the full article go to:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Pro-Life events, upcomming

Hi all, please read this letter from Fr. Frank Pavone, of Priests for Life about some important upcomming events.

April 26, 2010

Dear Friends,

1) This Tuesday is our big press conference in Birmingham, AL to announce the Pro-life Freedom Rides. It will be on the site where peaceful civil rights activists were attacked with dogs and water hoses. Keep updated on what we will say, and how you can be involved, at
While in Birmingham, I will preach on the EWTN Live televised Mass on Tuesday, April 27 at 8am ET. The Mass repeats at 12 noon, 7pm and 12 midnight ET. If you do not receive EWTN via television or radio, you can hear my homilies online at

2) Speaking of keeping updated, my favorite way of updating people now is through Twitter, and I’d like to invite you to become my follower at If you aren’t familiar with this, it’s a way to communicate with me and many others by sending and receiving short (like one sentence), timely updates, called “tweets.” For instance, you’ll be the first to hear about pro-life developments that I become aware of, or the success of events I take part in out on the road, or the progress of our projects big and small. If you don’t have a Twitter account, just go to and sign up for one. It’s free!

3) Our Novena in preparation for Pentecost will begin on May 13 (Ascension Thursday), and we have a pro-life Pentecost prayer that we’d like to distribute to your parish. You can see the prayer and a link for ordering the prayer card at
We will send as many prayer cards as your parish needs. Would you please let your pastor know?

4) Finally, many of you saw me preaching on EWTN in the first two weeks of April. Good news – we are putting those homilies on CDs! You can place an advance order by emailing me at Just ask for my “April EWTN Homilies” and we’ll reserve a set for you!

Below you will find my column for this week in English and Spanish and the Spanish version of my April 12th Column, Supreme Court Vacancy, followed by this week’s media schedule.

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life

Monday, April 19, 2010

New safety label for birth control pills - Bayer to include blood clot risks on Yaz and Yasmin packages

I wanted to post this link because I think this warning helps to highlight the evil behind birth control, which is an intrinsic evil. The culture of death is very self-centered, and is willing not only to put up barriers to new life (contraception), but also destroy it in the womb (abortion), which Fr. John Corapi calls, "the unholy offspring of birth cntrol". The contraceptive mentality is so obstinate, that even with the risk to women's health, contraception is still sought after and practiced. Granted there can be risks involved in legitimate medical treatments, but that's a very different matter. Legitimate medical treatment is ordered toward the preservation and maintainance of a person's health, while contraception is (dis)ordered toward preventing new life, which is not a legitimate medical treatment.

The link follows:

WASHINGTON - Bayer HealthCare said Friday it has added new information about the risks of blood clots to its contraceptive pills Yax and Yasmin.

Read More:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Catholic Health Association Endorses Pro-Abortion Senate Health Care Bill

Washington, DC ( -- The Catholic Health Association is coming under fire today for releasing a statement not only endorsing the pro-abortion Senate health care bill but issuing a misleading statement making it appear the bill does not fund abortions. The head of a national pro-life organization disabused the CHA in response.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Silencing Pro-Lifers ...

Hi all,

I received this email from Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List. Please visit the link provided and take a few moments to send the already prepared letter to your Senators.
The messages is as follows (emphasis mine):

Dear George,

It is clear from the actions of the National Organization for Women that pro-abortion leaders would like nothing better than to silence pro-lifers.

But attempting to silence people like Tim Tebow who have the courage to voice their pro-life convictions is nothing new. And no one is quite as experienced at it as Dawn Johnsen.

In 1988, attorney Dawn Johnsen argued that the Catholic Bishops needed to choose between either having the Catholic Church stripped of its tax-exempt status as a religious organization or keeping their opposition to abortion to themselves. The Catholic Bishops defeated Dawn Johnsen in the Supreme Court Case United States Catholic Conference v. Abortion Rights Mobilization.

After the case was concluded, Dawn Johnsen was rewarded for her legal work on the case by being granted the position of legal director of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), where she worked from 1988 – 1993. Now, President Barack Obama has re-nominated her to head up the Office of Legal Counsel and is pushing for the Senate to ratify her nomination this week.

Click here to send a message to your Senators to reject this pro-abortion radical nominee:

Her radical views and statements on “abortion rights” are notorious:

-- Choosing life for a child is comparable to “involuntary servitude”

-- Pro-life activists use the “intimidation carried out by the Ku Klux Klan"

-- Being pregnant turns mothers into “fetal containers”

-- Conceiving a child is analogous to “being struck by drunk drivers”

-- Pro-abortion leaders should never portray “abortions as tragedies”

Tell your Senators to reject Dawn Johnsen:

For Life,
Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Join the VIRTUAL March for Life

I received this email from Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D. President & CEO Americans United for Life wyhich provides an opportuity for people who can't make it to the March for Life in Washington to join the "virtual" March for Life. It's easy to do. Just fill in your name, town etc. and you're in. They list the last ten marchers who've signed up by first name, city/town and state.

Dear Friends,

On January 22, 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court handed down their Roe v. Wade decision. Every year since, on the anniversary of this tragedy, Americans have gathered in Washington, DC for the annual March for Life. This remarkable showing of support for life has literally brought millions of people to our nation's Capital over the years, but millions more have been unable to take part and stand for life. Until today.

AUL Action is excited to announce the first ever, Virtual March for Life! If you are unable to join fellow Americans in Washington, DC you can still stand and be counted by going to now.

It's very easy to do and will only take seconds. Go to this website , choose an avatar for yourself and then we will place “you” in front of the U.S. Capitol building alongside other Americans marching online.

With a health care bill that includes taxpayer funding for abortion hanging in the balance, this is an important, historic opportunity to get the attention of politicians in Washington. In this critical moment, every American must be heard regardless of where you are. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are coming to Washington, DC to join the most important March for Life in history, and you can be there through the Virtual March for Life!

Please go to now to show your support for life, then forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to stand for life today. also has one click tools so you can share this important event with your friends on Facebook and Twitter.So much is at stake in this moment. How many more lives will be lost if the

Congressional majority rolls back existing law that protects life and protects us from having our tax dollars used to fund abortion? Please stand and be counted among those who are marching for life and please ask everyone you know that doesn’t want their tax dollars to fund abortion to join us at now.

For Life,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.
President & CEO
Americans United for Life

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Important update on the health care battle in Washington, D.C.

Hi all. I received this email from Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D., President & CEO of Americans United for Life (AUL). Please take a few moments to read this important letter.

Dear Friend,

I want to update you this morning on the health care battle here in Washington, D.C.
The debate on Capitol Hill is reaching a boiling point. The Democratic leadership in Congress has elected to bypass the accepted conference process – where both Houses of Congress work together to craft a final bill – and are instead working out a secret deal behind closed doors.
Many of us don’t like what politicians do when we can see them, let alone what happens when we can’t.

While the House-passed bill includes the Stupak-Pitts amendment (which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortions), the Senate-passed bill subsidizes insurance plans that cover abortions and, for the first time in history, could allow the federal government to require private insurance plans to cover abortions. With the pro-abortion Democratic leadership calling the shots, the final bill is bound to mirror the Senate’s version.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.”

And this is exactly what is at stake here, along with thousands (and perhaps millions) of babies’ lives which currently hang in the balance.

Americans United for Life’s legal team is working tirelessly to ensure that every member of Congress understands the deviously-written abortion language in the Senate bill and knows that this language is contrary to what the vast majority of Americans want.

A recent national Quinnipiac University poll found that 72% of voters don’t want public funding for abortion in the bill, and yet Congress continues to ignore the will of the American people.

Last week, AUL Staff Counsel Mary Harned briefed Capitol Hill staff members on the problems with the Senate bill. She presented some must-see charts on Abortion in Health Care which you can see by clicking here: here

I know that there is much more to be done.

I also know that this fight is far from over, and if we all continue to put pressure on Washington, we will win this battle for life.

And, on that note, I want to remind you that we have a major opportunity coming up next week. The national March for Life in Washington, D.C. takes place on January 22nd, and we would love to hear from you if you are planning on attending.

Finally, we are working on an exciting new project that will give you the opportunity to participate in the March for Life, even if you cannot make it to D.C., so stay tuned for more information over the next few days.

As always, thank you for your generous and faithful support, which helps us to defend life here in Washington, D.C., across the United States, and around the world.

For life,
Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D.President & CEO